Translation from English to Finnish and from Finnish to English
English to Finnish and Finnish to English
If you need Finnish translation services, you’ve come the right way. HumanTranslation managers can assign your document to a carefully chosen translator that matches your (and our!) criteria in no time. Just get in touch with us and get a quick quote.
We have a team of specialists to rely on:
- experienced translators with appropriate credentials, well-versed in their area of expertise
- seasoned editors who know how to make a perfect text
- proofreaders who leave the final touch on the work of art
In addition, we also provide transcreation and localization services, and we will find a good specialist for you to do the job.
Need English to Finnish translation services? We have native speakers who can accept the job urgently if you need to.
As for Finnish to English translation services, you will have to choose a particular country to translate for (UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, etc.). Then we will assign the job to a specialist with the required linguistic and cultural background.

Certified Translation
If you are looking for a certified translator in the Finnish and English language pair, just contact our manager. We will assign your document to the specialist who will translate it and provide an affidavit to attest to the accuracy and completeness of your translation.
Quality Assurance
Quality starts with selecting a reliable translator. Then your text is sent to an editor who always finds what to improve, and finally, the proofreader makes sure everything is correct. This is a golden standard of the translation industry that we strictly follow.
Language Facts
- Though Russia and Sweden are Finland’s closest neighbors, Finnish bears few similarities with their languages. It is more akin to Hungarian or Estonian.
- You can say a lot with one word in Finnish! For instance, if you are not sure whether you are hungry and should look for a café or something, you can just say ‘söisinköhän’ – and the people will understand you!
- If you are tired of learning noun genders in French or Spanish, you can relax: there are no genders in Finnish.
- Elvish language in “The Lord of the Rings” was inspired by Finnish – well, just because J.R.R. Tolkien is a fan of the language!
- There is no word that equals “please” in meaning. There is a word “thank you” that is used in all situations instead if you want to be polite.
- Want to know why Finnish got into the Guinness Book of Records? It has the longest palindrome: saippuakivikauppias. Enjoy!
- There is one Finnish word used in the unchanged form all around the world, and this is of course sauna.
Language Tips:
A really good translator knows how to keep the balance between being concise and retaining all subtleties of the original meaning. When you post-edit your work, make a first go and cross out all the words that can be omitted.
If you translate a Finnish conversation into English word-for-word (even though it is a very simple one that does not require much of a linguistic skill), it may seem dry to English people! We know English to be a language of reserved people, but it is in fact much warmer than Finnish. And if we translate vice versa, the dialog may seem too warm to the Finnish. Take this into account when you try to make the two cultures mutually intelligible.
Machines translate quickly, but all they can give us is a word-for-word translation. Humans translate slowly (as compared to PCs), but good translators give a sense-for-sense translation. And this is exactly what you need to polish as a professional translator: replacing some senses with others.
Why HumanTranslation?
We are here to help you share the fruits of your labor with residents of different countries, and our team will focus on your best features to realize them.

15 years in the industry
We have been dealing with translations for over 15 years, and during this time we had a lot of satisfied customers among individuals and businesses.

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We are really concerned with the safety of your data, so we take an effort to provide adequate protection. You can rest assured that your information and files will be safe and in compliance with GDPR data protection regulations.

Easy payment
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